A gathering space for undiscovered voices and untold stories

Mata will share stories of individuals within the plant medicine community to deepen understanding of this space. When we share real stories, we are humanising the situation and this creates a sense of authenticity, solidarity and community.

Series 1


This first series uncovers the hard truths within the Australian medicinal cannabis industry that each of these individuals face, why they are advocates as well as the deep inquiry and wisdom that plant medicine has provided to them in seeking the ‘truth’. Truth is the key to trust, and more than ever we need to create an industry that is trustworthy amongst ourselves, and for our patients.

Read stories

Telling stories that matter

Mata will share stories of an individual’s plant-medicine journey, their lived experiences, the stigma and barriers that they face. The stories told on Mata will reflect the vulnerability, joy, pain and healing of countless individuals who have gone through a healthcare system feeling unheard and unseen. When we tell these stories, we are humanising the situation and humanisation is the beginning of creating a sense of belonging, solidarity and community.